Mrs. Smith Goes to New York

The Volunteers

The Sheridan Hotel gave us a reception and the next few pictures where taken at that time.

Pam and Eric. Eric worked with Pam at The Hill

Pam Bowman.  A volunteer from Flint, Michigan

Steff, Sachin, Grace and Lana

Steff, Sachin, Edie and Lana

Harry, who was my Family Service Specialist, Virginia and Nancy.
It was Virginia’s place that I took after she left.

Edie and Pam.

At the office...

"Detail Girl" Grace and Kelly "One of my Favorites" in my office.
"Detail Girl Grace", as I lovingly came to call her, surprised me one day with a limmerick.
I thought this was very nice of her and it gave me the warm fuzzies.
I came to call her "my detail girl" because doing things according the
Rules and Regulations was not Grace's strong point.
PS: They are all my favorites.

Harry and Steff

Grace, Kelly, Tiffany, Rachel, Aja and Sarah.

Aja and Sarah (Sorry I chopped part of your head off)

There were several more kids that I never got an opportunity to photograph.
Don't feel left out. You were all wonderful.


Farewells Epilogue
