Mrs. Smith Goes to New York


Sunrise on the last day.
The sun colored golden, shone bittersweet through the haze of the fallen.

I am very glad I had the opportunity to go, I am thankful that John West said, “Yes”, to my request.

I am not going to sweat the small stuff.   Life is too precious and too short.

I'd like to think that I made a difference in the lives of all my kids.
We certainly made a difference in the lives of all our clients.

Father Ryan was great. He greeted us every morning and I still wonder, when does this man sleep.
He gave us a great pep talk every morning. And who knows, maybe our lives will cross again.
After all, Father said we were welcome anytime.

Now and then, we had to empty our office because Father Ryan had a big group
coming for retreat and he needed the room.
Oh what fun it was to figure out where we were working from next.
All in all, it was great.

Dear Rachel, Sachin, Grace, Kelly, Tiffany, Sara, Adrienne, Orestes, Mark, Aja, Suvella, Jamie, Frankie, Lana and Steff,
I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and a very Happy Holidays and New Year.
You have all been fun and I will never forget you!!!

I received a serenade from all the kids on the last night.
It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

Just think, we will never have to take a look at pay stubs again.............ha, ha!
BJ kept us laughing and I know Linda does not have a dull moment in her life with him.
Alison, take care. For your first assignment, you did great.
Any client is very privileged to have you as an advocate.
Harry and Howard, you both have been great to know and work with.
Carol, I do hope I meet you again.  Brenda, our nurse, and all the Mental Health folks were there to hold us all together,
mentally and physically. Marra, I hope that you got assigned to where you wanted to go.


Farewells Epilogue
